Vaccination Services

GARDASIL9 HPV Vaccination Service

HPV vaccine, also known as the cervical cancer vaccine, is designed to prevent Human Papillomavirus (HPV) infection. It helps prevent cervical cancer and other cancers and diseases associated with HPV. Since HPV is primarily transmitted through sexual contact, regardless of gender, receiving the HPV vaccine before exposure to the virus or before sexual activity can lead to higher antibody levels and more excellent protection. It reduces the risk of sexually transmitted infections and reproductive organ cancers.

At HEAL Medical, we provide HPV vaccination services for both men and women. It helps you and your partner reduce the risk of HPV infection and provides multiple layers of protection for your body. It aims to prevent sudden onset women's diseases, allowing you to continue enjoying a vibrant life.

⚥ Males and Females Are Equally Susceptible to HPV Infection!

Suitable for

  • Male and female individuals aged 9 years or older
  • Individuals who have previously received older generation HPV vaccines can also receive the GARDASIL9 to enhance protection.

GARDASIL9 HPV Vaccination Schedule

Target Age 

No. of injectionsInterval

9 – 14years old

2 Doses
  • After 1st dose, take 2nd dose within 6-12 months

15years old or above

3 Doses
  • Take the 2nd dose 2 months after 1st dose
  • Take the 3rd dose 6 months after 1st dose

How to reduce the risk of contracting HPV?

Receive HPV Vaccination ASPS

Avoid Promiscuity, Practice Safe Sex.

Regular HPV Related Check-up


GARDASIL9 HPV Vaccination Service

Services fee include:

  • 3 doses of HPV vaccine
  • Doctor consultation fee
  • Injection fee

This service costs HKD$5,400 in total. Please contact us for more details. 


  1. Centre for Health Protection - Cervical Cancer from
  2. Centre for Health Protection - About human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination  from

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