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Nasopharyngeal Cancer

Clinical OncologyOtolaryngologyGeneral Surgery

Nasopharyngeal cancer is one of the top ten cancers in Hong Kong that cannot be ignored. There are 600 to 800 cases of nasopharyngeal cancer in the city every year. Unlike many other cancers, nasopharyngeal cancer tends to occur at a relatively early age, with the peak incidence between 40 and 60 years old, considered the prime of one's life. The incidence rate is almost three times higher in males than in females. Compared to Western countries, nasopharyngeal cancer is more commonly found in Southern China.

In 2020, nasopharyngeal cancer ranked eighth among the most common cancers in men and seventeenth among women in Hong Kong, accounting for 2.2% of the total number of new cancer cases.

Cancer originates from one or more genetic mutations in the body, causing abnormal growth of normal cells, invading nearby structures, and spreading to other body parts. Nasopharyngeal cancer is caused explicitly by atypical squamous cells on the surface of the nasopharynx.


The early symptoms of nasopharyngeal cancer are similar to some upper respiratory tract diseases, such as rhinitis and sinusitis. If you suspect these early signs of nasopharyngeal cancer, you should get checked as soon as possible.

Suppose you notice symptoms like tinnitus, hearing loss, frequent episodes of otitis media, persistent nasal congestion, bloody nasal or throat discharge, or the appearance of painless neck lumps. In that case, there is a chance you might have nasopharyngeal cancer, and you should seek prompt medical evaluation. When the tumour extends to the base of the skull and the brain, it can lead to problems such as headaches, facial numbness, double vision, and difficulty closing the jaw.

In more severe cases of nasopharyngeal cancer, complications can occur as the cancer cells grow and invade nearby structures such as the throat, brain, and bones. Additionally, cancer cells can spread to other parts of the body, leading to lymph node metastasis in the neck and affecting the lungs and liver. If you observe symptoms suggestive of nasopharyngeal cancer, early medical evaluation is essential.


Cancer originates from one or more genetic mutations within the body, which drive normal cells to grow abnormally, invade nearby structures, and spread to other parts of the body. Nasopharyngeal cancer, specifically, is caused by atypical squamous cells on the surface of the nasopharynx.

The following factors influence the likelihood of developing nasopharyngeal cancer:

Genetic factorsWhen there are genetic issues or unhealthy family habits, the risk of nasopharyngeal cancer is higher among siblings and close relatives of patients compared to the general population.
Viral infectionsEB virus, which is the pathogen for infectious mononucleosis, is prevalent worldwide. Most adults in Hong Kong have been exposed to this virus, often with mild symptoms. However, individuals with specific genetic predispositions are at a higher risk of developing nasopharyngeal cancer if they become infected. How the virus contributes to cancer is still under medical research.
Dietary habitsIn regions like South China, prolonged and excessive consumption of salted fish and smoked foods may contribute to the development of nasopharyngeal cancer.

In other words, to reduce the risk of nasopharyngeal cancer, one should focus on improving daily lifestyle habits, minimize excessive salt intake, and also consider avoiding smoking based on some data suggesting an increased risk associated with smoking.

nasopharyngeal cancer Hong Kong




  • 磁力共振掃描
  • 電腦掃描
  • 正子斷層(PET)掃描





The treatment of nasopharyngeal cancer primarily involves two methods: radiation therapy and chemotherapy, depending on the tumour's location, cancer staging, and the overall health of the patient. These two treatment methods can be used individually or in combination.

Radiation TherapyRadiation therapy is the primary treatment for patients with nasopharyngeal cancer who haven't experienced distant spread. It involves the use of high-energy X-rays to irradiate the tumour, effectively killing cancer cells. For patients with remote space, radiation therapy can also alleviate symptoms caused by the spread, such as bone pain.
ChemotherapyRadiation therapists create a plastic mould tailored to the patient's facial and head shape to secure the body for accurate radiation targeting. After wearing the plastic mould, patients undergo a computer scan to help doctors delineate the tumour and identify crucial organs to be avoided, such as the spinal cord and brainstem. Finally, a personalized plan is designed by a physicist or radiation therapist to determine the optimal angles and intensity of radiation.
SurgeryIn addition to the above two treatments, surgical removal of the tumour is also an option for treating nasopharyngeal cancer. However, because nasopharyngeal cancer is located deep within the head, the tumour is challenging to remove altogether. As a result, surgery is typically considered when the tumour persists, recurs, or when radiation therapy is ineffective. During surgery, nearby nerves may be affected, leading to potential side effects such as ear numbness, oral pain and dryness, jaw stiffness, and neck stiffness. It is advisable to undergo regular follow-up examinations, such as imaging scans or endoscopic evaluations, to monitor recovery progress.

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