Upper Respiratory Tract Infection
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Upper Respiratory Tract Infection

Family MedicineRespiratory Medicine

Upper respiratory tract infections are commonly known as a cold, it's a very common minor respiratory tract disease, commonly caused by either bacterial or viral infections.


Like the name suggests upper respiratory tract infections affect your sinuses, throat, lungs or airway, the most common of which being the common cold.

Commonly symptoms are as follows:  

  • Runny nose and sneezing
  • Sore throat
  • Cough
  • Fever
  • Fatigue and feeling lethargic
  • Headaches and muscle aches

Causes and risk factors

Upper respiratory tract infections come from bacterial and viral infections. The most commonly seen upper respiratory tract infection is rhinovirus; another example includes influenza. Additionally, about 15% of acute strep throat is caused by bacteria.

Risk factors for the upper respiratory tract factors include:

  • Contact with children (nurseries and schools are places of higher risk of infection)
  • Asthma or allergic rhinitis
  • Age (elderly in residential care homes are at additional risk)
  • Smoking
  • Immunocompromisation
  • Facial changes or nasal polyposis

Additionally, people at high risk of developing more serious complications from an upper respiratory tract infection include:

  • Pregnant women
  • Children under the age of 5
  • Elderly above the age of 65
  • Obese people
  • Those with chronic illness
  • Immunocompromised people

Common methods of transmission:  

Droplet transmissionPathogens can be spread by inhaling droplets expelled when a patient sneezes, coughs, spits, or speaks
Direct contact Pathogens are spread through direct contact between people, such as shaking hands
Indirect contact transmissionResidues of pathogens on the infected person's items, and other people may become infected if they touch these items


Normal upper respiratory tract infections don’t require special diagnostics tests. The Doctor will assess the patient and compare it to clinical standards to help diagnose these infections. If needed the doctor will order an influenza test through a nasal or nasopharyngeal sample. A rapid strep swab can also help rule out bacterial strep throat, which can help your doctor decide if you need to prescribe antibiotics. 


Although the common cold will get better in a few days without medical intervention there are a few following treatments.

  • Medications to relieve symptoms, more rest
  • Depending on the situation, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics for patients with bacterial infections
  • Depending on the patient's condition, the doctor may prescribe anti-influenza drugs


Most people who get the flu recover within a few days to two weeks, but some patients develop serious complications. Therefore, it is recommended that patients pay attention to the condition and symptoms, and seek medical advice immediately if necessary.

Complications that can arise from influenza :

Moderate complicationsSerious complications
Sinusitis Pneumonia
Ear infections such as otitis media Myocarditis, encephalitis or muscle inflammation

Influenza can also worsen chronic conditions such as: 

  • triggers asthma attacks in asthmatics 
  • Exacerbates the condition of patients with chronic heart disease

Preventative screening

In order to prevent upper respiratory tract infections, patients should pay more attention to their personal hygiene. Such as wearing a mask or covering their face when they sneeze with a tissue, disposing of the tissues safely, and using soap or alcohol to clean your hands properly.

For those who are at higher risk of contracting respiratory tract infections, they should be especially care in maintaining healthy living habits, personal and environmental hygiene. In addition, for the prevention of influenza, you can consider receiving influenza vaccination every autumn to reduce the risk of infection.

Frequently Asked Questions

For patients with bacterial infections, antibiotics can help eliminate pathogens and speed up recovery; however, they are not helpful for most upper respiratory tract infections as they are caused by viruses.
Elderly people aged 65 or above are at higher risk of developing complications if they contract influenza, so the influenza vaccination is still recommended.
Children under the age of five are prone to more serious complications from upper respiratory tract infections. Furthermore, schools are places with a high risk of infection, and children cannot accurately express all their symptoms. It is recommended to seek medical advice immediately.
If the patient has a history of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, emphysema, or chronic bronchitis, fever and cough may be related to other long-term diseases, and may not be common upper respiratory tract infections. You should consult a doctor for a diagnosis.


  1. Centre for Health Protection - Men's Health Line - Common Cold or Flu from  https://www.chp.gov.hk/en/static/80047.html
  2. URTIs Do you really need antibiotics? - Antibiotic Stewardship Programme Primary Care from https://www.chp.gov.hk/files/pdf/asp_in_pc_pamphlet.pdf
  3. The Treatment on Upper Respiratory Tract Infection - Newspaper Columns - HKUMed from https://www.med.hku.hk/news/column/The-Treatment-on-Upper-Respiratory-Tract-Infection
  4. Upper Respiratory Tract Infection - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK532961/
  5. Flu (Influenza) | Antibiotic Use | CDC from  https://www.cdc.gov/antibiotic-use/flu.html

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