Dr CHOI Hiu Yeung, Jacqueline

Specialist in Public Health Medicine

Clinical Assistant Professor (Honorary), The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care, Faculty of Medicine, CUHK/ Honorary Clinical Assistant Professor, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, HKU

HEAL Medical

  • MB ChB (CUHK)
  • MRCP (UK)
  • M Med (Public Health) (Singapore)
  • Dip Med (CUHK)
  • FFPH
  • FHKAM (Community Medicine)
Consultation Hours
SAT9:00am - 1:00pm

Scope of services

  • Management of chronic diseases (diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol etc)
  • Vaccination
  • Family Planning and Contraception Service
  • Men and Women health check up
  • Management of menopausal symptoms
  • Management of Bone Health
  • Mental Health Care and Counselling
  • Weight and Obesity Management
  • Integrated medical-psychosocial services in primary care

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