HEAL Medical
Dr Vivian MAN Chi Mei

Dr Vivian MAN Chi Mei

Specialist in General Surgery

Honorary Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery, HKU

HEAL Medical

  • MBBS (HK)
  • MRCSEd
  • FRCSEd
  • FHKAM (Surgery)
Consultation Hours
SAT8:30am - 5:30pm

Scope of Services

  • Breast Health Screening
  • Fine Needle Aspiration and Core Biopsy of Breast Pathology
  • Benign Breast Disease
  • Breast Cancer Surgery
  • Gastroscopy and Colonoscopy
  • Minor Surgery, e.g. Excision of Small Tumours

Admission Rights

Services by the Doctor

Breast Cancer

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)Clinical OncologyGeneral Surgery
Breast cancer is a type of cancer that develops in the breast tissue, where malignant cancer cells grow and spread. Typically, breast cancer originates from the ducts within the breast. The cancerous cells may spread throughout the breast and to other parts of the body.

Breast Disorders

Obstetrics and GynaecologyGeneral SurgeryGynaecological Oncology
Breast Disorders refer to a series of conditions that may affect breast health. When women notice unusual conditions in their breasts, they often assume they have breast cancer. In reality, most breast diseases are benign, and it is best to seek medical follow-up to determine whether the condition is benign or malignant.


General SurgeryGastroenterology Hepatology
Colonoscopy is a medical examination method used to inspect the interior of the colon and rectum. This procedure involves using a long and flexible fiber-optic scope (endoscope) inserted through the rectum to examine the entire colon and assess its condition.


General SurgeryGastroenterology Hepatology
Gastroscopy, or Endoscopy or OGD, is a medical examination method. It involves inserting a flexible and bendable fibre-optic scope (endoscope) through the patient's mouth and entering the oesophagus, stomach, and duodenum to examine the condition of these organs.

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