Dr WONG Kin Hung, Simon

Specialist in General Surgery

Clinical Associate Professor (Honorary), Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, CUHK

HEAL Medical

  • MB ChB (CUHK)
  • FRCSEd
  • FRCSEd (Gen)
  • FHKAM (Surgery)
Consultation Hours
SAT9:00am - 1:00pm

Scope of Services

  • Excision of skin lesions (Lumps and Bumps)
  • Hernia Surgery
  • Endocrine Surgery (Adrenal / Thyroid / Parathyroid)
  • Minimal Invasive Surgery


Media Interviews


Services by the Doctor

Acute Appendicitis

General Surgery
Acute appendicitis refers to a condition where the appendix, a small tubular organ located near the cecum in the colon, becomes acutely inflamed. Acute appendicitis can lead to serious health problems and complications.


General Surgery
When gastrointestinal motility is weakened, causing constipation, the pressure in the large intestine increases during defecation, causing the intestinal mucosa to be squeezed out of the muscle layer, forming a small bag (diverticulum). Diverticulitis occurs when faeces fall into the diverticulum of the large intestine and become faecal stones, which then irritate surrounding tissues, cause intestinal bacterial infection, and lead to inflammation of the mucosal wall.

Gastric Cancer

Clinical OncologyGeneral SurgeryGastroenterology Hepatology
Gastric Cancer is a common malignant tumour of the digestive system. Common symptoms include abdominal pain, dyspepsia, weight loss, etc. Early screening and treatment are necessary.


Gastroenterology Hepatology
Gastritis is a common gastric disease, manifested by abdominal pain, bloating, nausea, vomiting, etc. It requires attention to diet and treatment.


General SurgeryGastroenterology Hepatology
Gastroscopy, or Endoscopy or OGD, is a medical examination method. It involves inserting a flexible and bendable fibre-optic scope (endoscope) through the patient's mouth and entering the oesophagus, stomach, and duodenum to examine the condition of these organs.

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