Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
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Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)


Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is more commonly known as Autism. According to a 2020 survey there is an estimated one hundred thousand people with ASD in Hong Kong, with the number being potentially higher.

ASD is a neurodevelopmental disorder. People with ASD have weaker social communication than ordinary people. They don’t perform well at verbal and non-verbal communication. They also have unique consistent repetitive behavior patterns, which can affect the individual’s mental and social development. Depending on where people fall on the spectrum it can have varying levels of impact on both psychological and social development. 


Difficulties with social interactions such as:

  • Difficulties understanding or interpreting non-verbal communication (facial or eye expressions)
  • Problems with building and maintaining relationships with others.
  • Difficulties expressing their ideas and emotions

Behavioral patterns 

  • Stubbornness in behavior
  • Tendency to repeat the same behavior or an established pattern such as procedure, play or work that is establish in a certain way with a unique sorting method.
  • Sensitivity to sensory stimuli

Causes and risk factors

Currently the medical community has not found a specific reason for ASD, however it has been suggested that ASD is linked to genetic and environmental factors that cause changes in the brain. There is also a theory that ASD is linked to family history. 


High risk individuals

The following include those with a higher risk of developing ASD 

  • Direct family members such as brothers and sisters of someone with ASD
  • Infants who were too light 


The doctor will make a judgment through a detailed assessment of the patient’s behavior. The assessment will inquire about the patient’s perception of social situations, verbal and nonverbal communication skills, social interaction and comprehension of social situations, and whether there are repetitive behaviors and how they interfere with normal day to day life.  



Patients may encounter challenges while adapting and integrating into society, difficulty establishing  friendships and social circles. People with ASD have trouble understanding each other’s facial and eye expressions and are not adept at expressing themselves. They may also have problems with emotional management, in some cases it can be confusing for them to make emotions and reactions, causing difficulties for others to understand them. 

Although the symptoms of autism begin early on in a person’s childhood, they may be very subtle. This is because people can use education and imitation to learn ways to help oneself. 



Currently there is no cure for ASD, however the symptoms of ASD can be minimized and improved through behavioral and educational training, alongside social adjustment and ongoing parental support

Early detection for children with autism will allow doctors to intervene early and assist the child with the appropriate treatment. The main direction of the treatment is to combine multiple perspectives and alleviate the impact of autism symptoms allowing for the skills and abilities needed for social and personal growth to be improved.

Commonly used treatment methods 


Reduce certain aggressive, self-harming, and compulsive behaviors; improve mood, concentration, and sleep problems


Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)


Help build effective daily life and social communication skills, helping to enhance their ability to adapt to society

Physical, Speech and Occupational Therapy


Strengthen cognitive, verbal, independent living skills and abilities through different practices


In addition, society also needs to accept and tolerate people with autism.

Preventive screening

If there is a history of autism in the family, parents can take their children to the hospital for an assessment as soon as possible. If parents find that their children have behaviours similar to ASD they can consult the following relevant services 

  • Private clinic
  • Integrated Child Health and Development Program Student Health Services 
If autism-like behaviour is found, a preliminary assessment can be made
  • School staff and social workers 
When parents discover their child have symptoms of autism, they can be referred to appropriate service units
  • Developmental Behavioural Paediatrician
  • Clinical psychologist 
  • Child psychiatrist
Evaluation and diagnosis of autism,
-  if a child with autism symptoms is found, refer to professional training services

Frequently Asked Questions

Currently research has shown that parenting style or parenting in general has no relation to the emergence of ASD.
People with ASD may not always have problems with intelligence , however there have been cases where people with ASD reported intelligence problems. It is estimated that about 30% of children with autism have intellectual problems.
If necessary, parents can obtain support services for autism from government agencies such as the Department of Health and the Hospital Authority. Parents can also seek support from resident social workers and teachers. Various voluntary organizations also organize regular activities, such as lectures or seminars, parent counseling, recreational activities, etc. There are also parent mutual aid organizations if necessary.
Children with autism may not be able to receive normal education. Generally, it depends on the intelligence level of the child, and it is possible to receive a typical education. If the problem is detected and treated early, the patient will have better training results, and the child will have a greater chance of entering mainstream education and participating in normal community activities.

  1. Equal Opportunities Commission, Main Article - Equal Opportunities Commission (n.d.). Retrieved February 15, 2023, from 
  2. Healthy Matters. (2022, October 31). Autism( Autism Spectrum Disorders):Symptoms, causes and treatment. Healthy Matters. Retrieved February 15, 2023, from自閉症譜系障礙-in-hong-kong-signs-symptoms-causes-and-treatment/
  3. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition(DSM-5) NIMH » Autism Spectrum Disorder
  4. Autism:
  5. Autism Spectrum Disorder |  Shall We Talk:
  6. ASD_Chi.pdf:
  7. Diagnostic Assessment of Autism Spectrum Disorders - Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Counselling Service
  8. Social data collected via the General Household Survey Special Topics Report No. 63

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